First semesterComputer programming 'C' Language
digital System, computer organiation & Architecture
Discrete Mathematics
Basic web development(internet, HTML, CSS, Multimedia basic)
Financial management & accounting
Second semester
OOPs Using C++
Database Management System(DBMS and Oracle)
Data structure using C
System Analysis & Design (SAD)
Operation Systems with Unix
Third semester
Software engineering
computer graphics
system programing
statistical & Numerical Methods using C++
computer Networks
Fourth semester
Management information systems(MIS)
Advanced Database systems
Java programing
computer based optimization methodsa
analysis & design of algorithms
Fifth semester
Dot net technologies
theory of computer sience
object oriented analysis & Design
software project management & quality assuarance
advanced operation system(Distributed systems)
Sixth semester
Digital image processing
Internet workign with TCP/IP
Data mining
First semesterComputer programming 'C' Language
digital System, computer organiation & Architecture
Discrete Mathematics
Basic web development(internet, HTML, CSS, Multimedia basic)
Financial management & accounting
Second semester
OOPs Using C++
Database Management System(DBMS and Oracle)
Data structure using C
System Analysis & Design (SAD)
Operation Systems with Unix
Third semester
Software engineering
computer graphics
system programing
statistical & Numerical Methods using C++
computer Networks
Fourth semester
Management information systems(MIS)
Advanced Database systems
Java programing
computer based optimization methodsa
analysis & design of algorithms
Fifth semester
Dot net technologies
theory of computer sience
object oriented analysis & Design
software project management & quality assuarance
advanced operation system(Distributed systems)
Sixth semester
Digital image processing
Internet workign with TCP/IP
Data mining
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